With more than 25 years experience in display technology and image processing technology, LILLIPUT Started from the most basic of LCD monitors, LILLIPUT successively launched a variety of civilian and special display devices, such as Camera & Broadcasting Monitors, Touch VGA/HDMI Monitors for industrial application, USB Monitors Series, Marine & Medical Monitors, Embedded Computer Platforms, MDT, Test Instruments, Home Automation Devices, and other Special Maonyesho ya LCD. Teknolojia ya kukomaa ya Lilliput na uzoefu wa miaka mingi ya hali ya hewa inaweza kukidhi mahitaji ya watumiaji ambayo imekua maono na uzoefu mkali zaidi.
Teknolojia ya msingi ya Lilliput inaonyeshwa kama ifuatavyo

Mchakato wa Video na Picha, onyesho la LCD, FPGA.

ARM, mchakato wa ishara ya dijiti, muundo wa mzunguko wa mzunguko wa juu, mfumo wa kompyuta ulioingia.

GPS NAV, Mfumo wa Sonar, Burudani ya Dijiti ya Media Multi.