13.3 Zoll Industrie-Grad Touch Monitor

Kuerz Beschreiwung:

FA130 mat engem Vale Luut Erausfuerderung ass et mat 13.39 1920 × 1080 Opriefnes a Fäegkeet Fisoheet. A passend fir eng breet Palette vun Outdoor Industrie an kommerziellen Uwendungen am Maart, sou wéi POI / POS, Kiosk, HMI an all Zorte vu Krankheetsausrüstungen. There are different install way for the touch screen monitor, Whether as a desktop device for control centers, as a built-in unit for control consoles or as PC-based visualization and control solutions requiring a spatially divided setup of the operator panel and the industrial PC or server, and the optimal solution – as a stand-alone solution or also with several control stations in extensive visualization and control solutions.

  • Model:F1330 / C & FAM1330 / T
  • Füügt fir d'Affichage:13.3 Zoll, 1920 × 1080
  • Input:Hdmi, vga, dp, USB
  • Fakultativ:Touch Funktioun, Venkket
  • Feature:Konditioun Touch Screen, voll Laminatioun
  • Promrat Detail


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    13.3 Zoll Industrie-Grad Touch Monitor1
    13.3 Zoll Industrie-Grad Touch Monitor2
    13.3 Zoll Industriell-Grad Touch Monitor3
    13.3 Zoll Industrie-Grad Touch Monitor4
    13.3 Zoll Industriell-Grad Touch Monitor5
    13.3 Zoll Industriel-Grad Touch Monitor6

  • Virdrun:
  • Nächst:

  • Füügt dodeld Touch Écran Jéventionell
    Réckspanneren 13.3 "LCD
    Kierperlech Opléisung 1920 × 1080
    Aspekt Verhältnis 16: 9
    Hellegkeet 300 NITS
    Kontrad 800: 1
    Wénkel kucken 170 ° / 170 ° (H / v)
    Signal Input HDMI 1
    VGA 1
    DP 1
    Eist mb 1 (fir Touch)
    Ënnerstëtzung Formater VGA 1080P 24/25/30/60/60s, 1080ps 24/25/30, 1080i 50/60, 720/2 / 60 ...
    HDMI 2160p 24/25/30, 1080p 24/25/30/50/60, 1080i 50/60, 72/2 / 60 ...
    DP 2160p 24/25/30/50/60, 1080p 24/25/30/50/60, 1080i 50/60, 72/2 / 60 ...
    Audio an / eraus Ouer Jack 3.5mm - 2ch 48khz 24-Bit
    Gebaut-a Spriecher 2
    Kraaftbeldscht Input Spannung DC 7-24V
    Stroumverbrauch ≤12W (12V)
    Ëmwelt Betribsortemperatur 0 ° C ~ 50 ° C
    Späicheren Temperatur -220 ° C ~ 60 ° C
    Aner Dimensioun (LWD) 320m × 208mm × 26.5mm
    Gewun Du 1.15kg

    FA1330 Accessoiren